Episode 51
The rise of AI in China – Digital technologies and their regulation
Kendra Schaefer
Episode 66
The impact of generative AI on jobs in Latin America
Pawel Gmyrek, Hernan Winkler
Episode 65
Global employment trends: Challenges and opportunities for 2025
Ekkehard Ernst
Episode 64
Industrial symbiosis: an engine for green jobs and growth?
Maria Sabrina de Gobbi
Episode 63
Why social protection is essential to shield the most vulnerable from the climate crisis
Kumi Naidoo, Shahra Razavi
Episode 62
Youth employment: Why are anxieties among young people growing even as youth unemployment rates fall?
Sara Elder, Tino Gwenyaya, Morgan Williams
Episode 61
The Paralympics: what are the challenges facing athletes with disabilities?
Josh Vander Vies, Oliver Liang
All episodes
The rise of AI in China – Digital technologies and their regulation
14 November 2023Over the last decade, China has become a leading developer and user of digital technologies, in particular artificial intelligence. Whether in e-commerce, ride hailing services or autonomous vehicles, Chinese companies operating in these areas are world competitors and contribute significantly to China's development. In parallel with the rise of these industries, Chinese policy makers have enacted a series of regulations around data and consumer protection to ensure the proper use of these technologies and to prevent market abuses by dominant players. To date, its regulatory scope and breadth is well ahead that of leading competitors in Europe or the United States. Yet, little is known about the impact of both technological development and regulatory activism on the world of work in China.
Kendra Schaefer shares with us her in-depth knowledge about the evolution of digital technologies and their regulation in China. Given her hands-on experience in advising both Chinese and foreign companies in this area, she is well placed to discuss technological trends in China, the motives Chinese regulators bring to the market and how effective they are in implementing regulation. She will also help us to better understand the impact these trends are having on Chinese workers, for instance in the ride hailing industry and beyond.
-Hello. Welcome to this edition of the ILO's Future of Work podcast.
I'm Ekkehard Ernst and I'm your host today.
Over the last decade,
China has become a leading developer and user of digital technologies,
in particular, artificial intelligence.
Whether in e-commerce, ride-hailing services,
or autonomous vehicles,
Chinese companies operating in these areas are world competitors
and contribute significantly to the development of their home country.
At the same time,
Chinese policymakers have accompanied these developments
by enacting a series of regulations
around data and consumer protection
to ensure the proper use of these technologies
and to prevent market abuses by dominant players.
Today its regulatory scope and breadth
is well ahead that of leading competitors in Europe or the United States.
Yet, little is known about the effective impact
of both the technological development and the regulatory activism
on the world of work in China.
Today, we want to explore the rise of digital China and the specific approach
Chinese policymakers take
in both developing and regulation, the use of artificial intelligence.
To explore this topic,
we could not have a better guest than Kendra Schaefer,
who is with us today in the show.
Kendra is head of tech policy research at Trivium China and is based in Beijing.
She works on Chinese government data infrastructure,
social credit system technology,
and other aspects of digital regulation and development.
Kendra, welcome to the Future of Work podcast.
-It's great to be here.
-Before we dive deeper into developments around AI in China,
can you tell us a bit more about yourself and your work?
I run Trivium China's tech policy monitoring service.
What that basically means is that I oversee a team of analysts
that looks at Chinese government documents all day long.
Those documents are related to tech and data,
and then we analyze them and inform investors,
governments, and corporations in terms of what those documents mean.
-Excellent, thank you.
Thank you very much.
Tell us more about
the recent developments in the tech sector in China.
What are some of the key developments that you see
and that we should keep an eye on, and how, in particular, in your opinion,
will they affect the world of work in China?
-Absolutely. I think first,
as an entry point to looking at AI in China
and AI regulation and how it impacts the labour force specifically,
I think we need to understand the social backdrop of labour in China
and where algorithms plug into that backdrop.
Many of your listeners may know that
China is home to one of the world's largest
domestic migrant labour populations.
You've got about 300 million migrant workers
who are typically rural residents.
They live in villages where there aren't a lot of work opportunities.
It's very common for them to leave the villages,
go to the big cities, find work there,
and send the money home to their kids or their parents.
This is a common social phenomenon.
It used to be that those labourers were absorbed mostly
by traditional industries like construction, for example,
or heavy industry traditional factories.
More and more now,
those labourers are being absorbed by the platform economy.
They're going to the cities and they are doing restaurant delivery,
or they are working for courier services,
or they are working for logistics companies
as drivers within a particular city,
or if they have a car, they're working as ride-hailing drivers in many locations.
China also has a growing and quite severe youth unemployment crisis.
As youth are waiting to find longer-term jobs,
and they're exiting college,
they're also turning to the platform economy
to support their entry or to supplement their entry
to the workforce or to supplement their income,
same thing, they're doing restaurant delivery.
These workers are working for these major apps
like Meituan-Dianping or Ele.me,
or DiDi, China's largest ride-hailing company,
or JD.com, one of biggest China's
domestic logistics networks,
and Shansong, which is a intercity errand-running company
who will send packages
from one side of the city to the other within 30 minutes,
this kind of thing.
Gig work, the emergence of gig work has totally changed the labour environment
that has been driven by platforms in the platform sector.
Those platforms are run by algorithms.
What we increasingly see now is regulators turning their attention
to the way that those algorithms are impacting that labour force.
Maybe looking to the next step, once we have seen the impact
or the rise of digital technologies is obviously a key question,
what Chinese policymakers do with these developments?
As I mentioned at the beginning,
from the outside, it looks like they're extremely active
in regulating a lot of these new technologies.
In some sense and my impression is that they're actually far ahead
of their counterparts in Europe or the United States.
Maybe you can tell us a bit more about the specific way
Chinese policymakers are regulating AI,
also their motivation that drives them, and how these policymakers in Beijing
and elsewhere in the country try to square the challenge of on the one hand,
as you said, developing these new services,
and at the same time regulating
the digital tools for the benefit of society.
-Sure, absolutely.
China has essentially, to date, put out three major regulations
that govern AI specifically.
Not all of those regulations relate to labour.
I'll try to keep my comments focused on how those algorithms impact
or how those regulations impact the labour market.
Just to give everybody a big-picture view, China has done a lot of work on AI
and data and cybersecurity laws and regulations.
There are three big laws
that form the foundation of China's cyber governance regime
more broadly outside of AI.
That's the Cybersecurity Law.
Very simply, that's about the security of critical networks.
There's the Data Security Law
which governs data related to national security.
There's the Personal Information Protection Law which,
as the title says, governs data related to individuals,
sensitive personal information, this kind of thing.
Those three laws really only got formulated
a year and a half, two years ago, and finalized and put into place.
On top of those three laws,
China's cyberspace regulator, the CAC started looking at
how algorithms could be--
specifically algorithms and AI should be regulated.
The first major algorithm and AI-related regulation to come out
targeted recommendation algorithms,
and this is the regulation that impacts labour most specifically.
A recommendation algorithm under this regulation
basically refers to any kind of algorithm--
when we think of recommendation algorithms,
we usually think of e-commerce or social media,
some kind of engine that looks at maybe what you've put in your cart before,
what you've clicked on or what ads you've viewed
and then recommends products that you might want to buy,
or if it's social media,
it recommends content based on videos you've viewed before
or content you've clicked on before things you've liked, that kind of stuff.
This regulation does encompass those kind of recommendations,
but here's the critical piece.
It also encompasses algorithms
that recommends things like driver delivery schedules.
For example,
let's say that I am a driver for a restaurant delivery app,
and I need to deliver a meal
from point A to point B.
I do that and the algorithm notes that I made that delivery in 30 minutes.
It assumes that that delivery can be made in 30 minutes,
and now the next person who has to make that delivery,
that is the time the algorithm will predict,
that I should be delivering that package in that amount of time
or delivering that food in that amount of time.
The algorithm would also control things like
how much rest drivers might get per hour,
how many packages they could be expected to deliver within a certain day.
That is also included in the scope of algorithm regulations.
This regulation was implemented to deal with that.
You can immediately see
how platforms could abuse that kind of algorithm.
The platforms in China have very, very low delivery fees.
Think about USD maybe 50 cents per delivery or thereabouts.
I ordered DoorDash in the United States
and it's $10, $15 per delivery, it's quite expensive.
In China, the margins on those deliveries are incredibly low.
Workers are getting paid very little, profit margins
on each delivery for the platforms are quite low,
so that incentivizes the platforms to use these algorithms
to basically optimize delivery schedules
in a way that violates labour rights on a de facto basis,
that might encourage them to drive unsafely,
running red lights to get to where they're supposed to go
by the time the algorithm says they should be there,
or incentivizes them not to rest or take any breaks
or incentivizes them to work overtime
to hit these quotas that the algorithm has set for them and this kind of thing.
That is where this regulation for the workforce really focuses,
is how can we prevent-- it basically forbids algorithms
from implementing those kind of stipulations
that violate labour rights in any way.
Now, that is not the only thing these regulations do.
They're focused on a huge broad in terms of your original question,
where does China stand against
maybe other countries
in terms of algorithm regulation, they also look at lots of other things.
Because it is China, they focus on censorship,
what kind of content algorithms are allowed to disseminate
on the Chinese Internet, content algorithms, for example.
They focus on privacy, they focus on transparency,
they focus on the protection of minors online.
You can't recommend content to kids, it's inappropriate.
They focus on a whole host of other things as well.
That was the very first AI-related regulation
that came out in China.
Two other regulations have come out since then,
I won't get as deep into those because they're not really labour-related,
but the second one was related to Deepfake.
Governing algorithms that generate audio and video content
that was generated by a machine and not a human being.
The third policy was related to ChatGPT-like services,
AI-generated content.
Those are both no other country to my knowledge
has yet put out a AI-generated content regulation,
certainly not one as broad or sweeping as China has implemented.
From those perspectives, we can say that China is certainly ahead.
We also know that China's legislative plan
for the next five years potentially includes an artificial intelligence law.
What that law is going to have in it is unclear yet.
That law hasn't been drafted.
It's in the pre-drafting research stage where policymakers are talking about
what should be in it.
It'll probably be at least a year
and more likely three, four, even five years
before that law comes out and is finalized,
but China already has that policy draft on the book.
Really moving forward very, very quickly in that regard.
-Excellent. I think it's certainly timely to see that, at least in China,
the regulator seems to move ahead,
given the speed of the technological development.
I wanted to follow up on one specific question or point that you raised
which I found very interesting is that,
if I understand you correctly,
these algorithmic or these AI regulations, in a sense, to a certain extent
try to support the enforcement of labour rights
which some of these platforms might try to circumvent.
Are you saying that essentially so far
the labour rights are not sufficiently enforced,
and in a sense, these AI regulations are supposed to help
the regulator or the policymakers
to enforce these regulations through these platforms?
-You could definitely say
that the AI tools were structured in a way to support.
Essentially, what the regulations say is
you cannot circumvent traditional labour rights via technology.
In other words, they're just putting down on paper
the fact that no, it is not okay to violate labour rights
because a machine violated those rights and you as a human didn't do it
or you as a company didn't do it.
A machine did it.
That's also not allowed.
It's basically all those regulations say at the moment.
In reality, these companies have struggled
to implement those regulations
and have frankly done the bare minimum necessary
to meet baseline requirements in those regulations.
The regulations are not very detailed.
They're actually quite general.
You mentioned a minute ago that China tends to move very quickly
in response to emerging technologies on the regulatory front.
That's true.
The reason that China is able to move so quickly
is because the regulations
that they release are quite general, to begin with.
You'll see an emerging technology come out,
like the recommendation algorithms,
you'll see a regulation come out six months or a year later
before policymakers really even understand the technology very well.
They don't know what they're dealing with and they don't know how to regulate it,
but they'll release a policy that includes some general principles
for how they want to see companies treat that technology
even before they really have a grasp on specifics.
Then they'll iterate on that regulation as it becomes clear
where the real actual problems are.
This initial regulation essentially just said in very simple terms,
"You can't use algorithms to violate labour rights,"
and a little bit of language
that makes it specific to the gig economy or delivery drivers.
As time goes on, I expect to see those regulations
become a lot more specific
and a lot more detailed
as regulators figure out really where the issues are,
but companies like Meituan did respond to the release of those regulations
by doing things like promising
to slow down delivery schedules
and not allow the algorithm to tighten, tighten, tighten.
You have to get there in 30 minutes,
29 minutes, 28 minutes, 27 minutes...
and to ensure that there's adequate rest time
and this kind of stuff.
There isn't very strict guidance yet from the regulatory side
on specifically what those algorithms have to do.
-Excellent. I think this is a good segue to my next question
because in a sense,
what you're describing for China is also true in other countries.
One of the key concerns that we have in Western countries
is often the possible bias and discrimination
that results from the widespread use and implementation of AI.
Many policymakers in this part of the world are very concerned
that underprivileged groups on the labour market
will face even worse forms of exclusion
if these digital tools become widely used.
How are Chinese policymakers dealing with these issues?
-That's actually a really interesting question
and an area where I would say Chinese policy differs a little bit from
in terms of their focus area than maybe Western countries,
the EU, the US, or something like that.
I say that because
a lot of the international or Western conversation around AI
focuses on things like algorithmic sorting of HR platforms.
I look through your resume, and if you are a person of colour,
your resume goes to the bottom of the pile or something like that.
That's an obvious and egregious example,
but there's much more subtle examples of discrimination and bias
that happen in algorithmic job selection.
That's much less of a focus in China.
That said,
there are discrimination and bias clauses in most of China's AI regulations.
What they're mostly focused on is religion and ethnicity
and I think, health.
Not so much on sexual orientation
and not so much for the purposes of job selection.
Usually, what they're looking at is
when you are creating group segments
within your algorithm to identify individuals,
there are certain things that they discourage you
from using as an identifier, and religion is on the list,
ethnicity is on the list,
but that hasn't really been focused on the job market yet.
-Thank you. Maybe one last question I have,
and in a sense, you had already started to allude to a bit,
is the outlook of these regulatory developments.
One of the tensions I see in the type of work
that we are doing at the ILO is that a lot of countries struggle
to find the right balance between on the one hand
wanting to be a technological leader in this new area,
and at the same time, regulating all these issues
that you mentioned before on platforms, on discrimination, et cetera.
The question is, actually, there are two parts to it.
One of the question is to what extent we will see
that Chinese policymakers,
now that they have already introduced all this regulation,
might become a bit more, let's say,
relaxed and continue focusing on the development of the technology.
The other question, or the related question is
to what extent will we see an increasing segregation
with the regulatory space across the world?
In the past,
when we looked at data protection regulation,
it seemed Europe would take the lead and would implement that
through the General Data Protection Regulation,
a way of enforcing a global standard, but in AI regulation,
it doesn't seem to be the case.
It rather looks like that with China, now we're moving in a specific direction,
Europe trying to follow to a certain extent,
and the US moving certainly in a way different direction,
that we actually see a very increasing segregation.
Is that something that you observe as well,
or would you see a more relaxed approach in China as well,
focusing more on the technological development
rather than on the regulatory front?
-Yes, sure. In terms of your first question,
whether or not Chinese policymakers will relax now.
I think the answer to that is both yes and no.
I'll explain what I mean.
We actually have a very good example.
One of the very first,
let's take China's most recent regulation on AI for example,
which is this regulation for AI-generated content.
One of the things that regulation requires companies to do
if they want to release a public-facing ChatGPT style algorithm,
or app that uses a ChatGPT style algorithm,
is that they have to file their algorithm with the cyberspace regulator.
That requirement was released
after companies started developing AI tools.
What I mean by that is ChatGPT came out,
I think kind of hit public consciousness in November of last year.
Chinese companies immediately started responding
with their own innovative tools.
Then the CAC came in and said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa.
There are censorship issues here.
There are safety issues here.
There are too many risks.
We don't have a good handle on these risks."
We have talked to some of the companies in China,
like Baidu, for example.
They went to these companies and said, "You need to slow your role
and we don't want to see you releasing any public-facing algorithms
until these regulations are finalized
and you are compliant with these regulations."
Many AI companies were really just sitting on their hands
waiting for the CAC to get its act together
so that they could get this license registration done
and launch to the public.
Meanwhile, in the US, companies were kind of iterating
very, very quickly on artificial intelligence tools.
You had a situation
where that regulation slowed down development,
but now that bottleneck has cleared.
Now we see companies
one after another in China launching public-facing AIGC tools
very, very rapidly.
The floodgates are open for innovation in AI.
I don't think regulators are going to relax.
I think now what they're going to do is watch for additional risks
and put out increasingly strict regulations
to mitigate those risks as time goes on.
That's the answer to that.
The answer to your second question
in terms of whether or not I start to see increasing segregation.
It's funny, I see
segregation happening along one channel and unification happening along another.
What I mean by that is that most countries, China included,
or at least the major players in the AI innovation space,
have drafted some top-level UN-friendly
AI principles document that says AI shouldn't hurt people,
and AI should be this or that or protect privacy,
and AI shouldn't be used for military purposes,
and this kind of general high-level stuff
that sounds great in an international forum,
but the definition of--
these principles are almost too general to really be helpful.
Those words, privacy, protecting freedom,
those words mean different things depending on who's saying them.
I'm not sure.
On one hand, there's a general understanding that AI
among everybody, that understanding is common and widespread,
that AI is a risk, that it needs to be regulated,
that it could be quite dangerous, corrosive to economies,
corrosive to society, et cetera.
On the other hand, the actual way that AI is being regulated
in various countries, as you said,
is starting to diverge along very different tasks.
There's definitely some kind of segmentation happening.
I don't think there's any chance at the moment
that the EU, for example, looks to China and says, "Oh, well,
we're going to pick up what you're doing
because you've written the first regulations on that."
Typically what tends to happen is the EU looks at Chinese regulations,
sees that half of the regulation is censorship-focused,
and throws the baby out with the bath water,
and says, "That's a useless Chinese Communist party regulation."
That's a little bit unfortunate because while absolutely,
half of those regulations is about content censorship,
the other half includes some very forward-thinking,
unique consumer protections or unique technological protections
that it would definitely be worth a thorough read and study.
I think what is likely to happen is that
China will continue developing its own regulatory pathway.
The EU will still probably lead
the Western world in AI thought leadership and AI regulation.
The US will continue to lag behind primarily
because it hasn't formulated at the federal level,
even the most fundamental laws
necessary for privacy protection and AI protections,
such as a federal data privacy law.
I think that's the state of play right now.
We'll see if countries are able to bring those things
into closer alignment in an international forum,
but right now it's pretty discombobulated.
-Thank you so much, Kendra.
That was an excellent conversation.
I definitely learned a lot today
and I hope that you will be able to join us again to share new insights
once they come along.
Thanks again for joining us today,
and for those of you who listened in today,
you can find more about Kendra's work and Trivium on the links on our website
that we share together with this podcast.
For now, let me wish you goodbye.
I hope you will join us again soon
for another edition of the ILO Future of Work podcast.
Thank you very much.
Find out more
AI and the Future of Work
Solutions Paper
Trivium China
Strategic advisory consultancy
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